"The Life Anticipated"The Book by D. Franklin Green

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Chapter 14: "Hidden Potential" (Unlocking)

po•ten•tial / pəˈtenCHəl/
1. latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.
hid•den /ˈhidn/
1.  kept out of sight; concealed.

It is scientific fact that we, as humans, only utilize approximately 10% of our overall brain Potential. In my opinion, when one becomes truly connected to Spirit, thereby functioning like the Spiritually Connected (see chapter: Spirituality) we then Unlock Potential in our lives previously Hidden or lying dormant, awaiting its powerful utilization. Once one begins to operate with the knowledge and confidence of Spiritually Connected individuals, these Spiritual forces, which influence higher thought and ACTION, come without serious effort or conjure. When one allows these Spiritual forces to flow freely without resistance or hesitation solutions to problems, answers to questions and control over our life experiences and circumstances begin to easily appear in our favor to a degree unseen before. Should one learn to trust God and practice allowing these influential spiritual forces to help change and form our existence, those changes will eventually become commonplace, but this takes a certain degree of faith and trust.

Remember we were created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore we posses source genius with capabilities yet tapped into. Once one enters a realization of the Potential inherent within us ALL, life and each day it presents becomes a gift filled with anticipation of the next and the Blessings that accompany it. For example, I awake looking forward to my next book idea, storyline, script concept, business idea, marketing strategy, invention, spiritual as well as material (financial) Blessings, and most importantly, opportunities to Bless and help others. I literally get up early practically every day with enthusiasm often like that of a child on Christmas morning anxious to see new surprises under the tree yet, at the same time, it’s up to me to tap into my often dormant Potential in the immediate area of need that requires my attention whether in my life or the lives of others. Recognizing and acknowledging the great, God-given abilities we have is the first and biggest step towards conjuring up new and amazing opportunities, Unlocking Potential in areas we may have never even considered before, that is until now. Just the simple reading of these words has now opened up an avenue for you to go towards greatness, giving you a key to unlocking the Potential that’s been bound because now you’ve been made aware of its existence. It’s there, deep inside you, awaiting its freedom to spawn amazing ideas, invent and create great things, share products and solutions with the world that can generate wealth and change lives. Start taking risk on yourself, get out of the comfort-ability that discourages the creation of new ideas, stifles our creativity and breeds the stagnation that most of us have become accustomed to in our daily lives. Let’s put away the past and forgive ourselves (see chapter: Forgiveness of Self) for the failures and misjudgments that we have repeatedly beat ourselves up over year after year and come clean with a new-found sense of personal power and Faith, giving us the ability to control our own Destiny while, at the same time, enhancing the lives of others in the process.

Get happy! Show appreciation for the chance that you’re Blessed with each and every day you wake, to think and create a new experience and existence into being for you and the world around you. Don’t be afraid! Unlock your Hidden Potential! This is my prayer for you and your new life.